KB PRASAC Bank Celebrates the Groundbreaking Ceremony for Funan Techo Canal

The Management and Staff of KB PRASAC Bank are pleased to celebrate the historic event of the groundbreaking ceremony of Funan Techo Canal on 5 August 2024.

Funan Techo Canal is 180 kilometers long and 5.4 meters deep (underwater), passing through four provinces, including Kandal, Takeo, Kampot and Kep. There are 208-km sideroads starting from the Mekong River, Prek Takeo village, Samrong Thom commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal province connecting to the sea in Kep province, with 3 sluice gates and 11 bridges. Funan Techo Canal project will immensely benefit Cambodia both economically and socially.