Overdraft Loan

Overdraft Loan is designed to provide working capital for business, allowing customers to withdraw an amount of money that is greater than balance shown in their current account under a pre-approved limit. This credit facility is ideal to overcome temporary liquidity shortage.

Product Features

  • Loan amount: Greater than USD 50,000 or equivalent to KHR
  • Interest rate: 0.95% to 0.73% per month
  • Loan term: Up to 12 months
  • Repayment mode: Bullet Payment


  • Aged 18-65 years old, healthy and able to earn a living
  • Have a real and clear permanent address
  • Have legal and valid identification documents
  • Have a good track record (private life, business and borrowing) and reliable
  • Have a legal and profitable business and repayment capacity
  • Have real estate as collateral and have supporting documents to prove legal ownership

Required Documents

  • ID card or passport or family book.
  • Documents about the business incorporation and income


  • KB PRASAC reserves the right to change terms and conditions with prior notice to the client as required by law.
  • Other terms and conditions apply.

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