You can get Biogas Loan from KB PRASAC to construct biodigester to generate energy for cooking and lighting. You can also contribute to preserve the environment; and you can have compost fertilizer to grow your crops.
Product Features
- Loan amount: USD 150 to USD 1,000
- Interest rate: Reasonable rate
- Loan term: Up to 24 months
- Repayment mode: Flexibility according to cash flow
Interest Computation
- Declining method is used
- Be a majority aged 18 to 65 years old
- Permanent resident
- Have a good record and be reliable
- Have a legal business and regular income
- Have enough capacity to repay the loan and be responsible
- Require to use this loan for the construction of biodigester plant
- Eligible to policy of National Biodigester Programme (NBP)
Required Documents
- ID card, passport, family book, residential book, birth certificate, civil servant ID, or employment ID
- Employment contract
- Land title, land certificate or term deposit certificate
- Other documents on incomes and expenses of family or business